Send us images of your dogs in Mozzie Pants and join Club Mozzie Pants!
Watch our TV Interview on NBC King 5 Evening Magazine TV Interview
Watch Cody watching Mozzie and himself on the TV Evening Magazine
Ditch the cone, some pups need the pants secured
Sactchmo Tenesse a Leonberger show dog in xl T and walking pant
Max got to ditch the cone with the Original Pants!! They used ironing board clips to secure to harness so he didn’t wiggle out.
Ditch the cone for this pup after knee surgery
Mochi in small T-shirt
Little Buddy!!
Mozzie in medium T-shirt
Tucker in XL Walking Pants after surgery
Riley in a small dog T-shirt
Sassy the kitty got to ditch the cone!
Mozzie in medium fleece top
Ditch the cone, some pups need the pants secured
Baby goat Bou
bichon, Cleaseau
Charlie in his large Original Pants, he is a marker….but now he gets to roam the house in his pants!
Mozzie in medium T and Walking Pant
Sactchmo Tenesse a Leonberger show dog in xl T and walking pant
Cody in medium fleece top with legs trimmed
Charlie in Medium Walking Pant after breaking his leg…no cone for this guy!!
Brock ready to go in his fleece!!
Penny and Abe in fleece tops.
Cody in small T
Mozzie in Medium Walking Pant
Gracie in Original Pants for “heat”.
Bart in Large T and Original Pant with snaps to keep in place. Bart has Spina Bifida.
Mochi in small Original Pant – she has incontinence challenges… worries now in her pants!
Dog Diaper Suspenders
Kahlua having a cocktail after neuter.
Pili Aloha in Med T with legs trimmed
Brandy got to ditch the cone after her spay
Harness tips from a paralyzed pup.
Mozzie & Cody at Scraps for King 5 Evening Magazine Expose
Rudy got to ditch the cone due to skin issues!
Finlay in x-small T and Walking Pant
Chester in XL Original Pant
Cody in small T, Mozzie in medium T and Chester in XL Walking Pant,
Hoss looking good in Original Pants!
Rawley, helps with his anxiety
Jego staying warm in fleece!
Tucker the Pomerainian in T small
Mozzie in Original Pant, medium
Riley loves his fleece dog top
Jack, the female real live rescue sled dog!
Jax in his new Large T & Walking Pant – he got them to keep the stickers off his coat in the fields!!
Mozzie in Original Pant Medium
Kahula & Brandy
Ditch the cone, some pups need the pants secured
Boys in T’s and Walking Pants
Little Buddy!!
Cody modeling knee pads for a dog with wheels!
Abe in small T
Cody and Mozzie in Fleece Pants
Italian Grey Hound
Brandy got to ditch the cone after her spay
Boys in T-Shirts
Brock ready to go in his fleece!!
Elwood got to ditch the cone!
Mozzie in Original Pant, medium
Marlin the Lab with a tail cover cut from leg trim – XL
Amadou used for calming in place of thundershirt
Kahlua after neuter
Original Pant in Medium
Harley looking adorable in her small T-shirt
Jego staying warm in fleece!
Coco and brother are both marking the house no more with their dog diapers
Joker in a Medium T to help keep him warm!
Coco’s dog diaper stop him from marking!
Charlie in his large Original Pants, he is a marker….but now he gets to roam the house in his pants!
Penny in large T
Ruby a retired Staffordshire Bull Terrier in a Large T to help keep her warm!
We are so happy with our Best Business Award 2017
Littly got to ditch the cone
NBC King 5 Evening Magazine Interview
dog sweater
Murphy with pants fastened to halter, got to ditch the cone after hock surgery.
Chester XL T
Cody and Mozzie having fun and keeping clean!
Picco in large Fleece
Kahlua & Brandy
Original Pant by Paul Chauncey Photography
Pear in suspenders and original pants after spay
Mochi was always cold
Clancy the English Bull Dog in XL T-shirt with the legs trimmed.
Abe in Small Original Pant
Mozzie Pants Suspenders – 2 suspenders enclosed with each order. Fleece comfy adjustable. Instructions enclosed.
Harley and Sampson in small T’s looking adorable!!
Cody in small Walking Pant
Boys in T’s
Duke got to ditch the cone of his neuter, happy pup!
Cody in small T and Walking Pant
PJ the show dog in XL T and Walking Pant. He struggles with hot spots and LOVES his new Mozzie Pants. He loved his Mozzie Pants so much he didn’t want to take them off to trim the leg length!
Floyd in large Walking Pants – he had surgery and got to ditch the cone!
Sactchmo Tenesse a Leonberger show dog in xl T and walking pant
Mozzie in Original Pant Medium
Mozzie Red Med T
LJ American Eskimo Show Dog after ACL surgery
Buster’s pants stop him from chewing on himself!
Original Pant in Medium
Mozzie at Scraps for King 5 Evening Magazine Expose
Finlay in xsmall T
Vera after spay
Tucker in XL after surgery
Gracie in Original Pants for “heat”.
Mozzie in Medium Walking Pant
Mali and Bou
Mozzie in medium fleece top
Chester in XL Walking Pant
Dog Diapers
Monogramed Fleece Pants
Mozzie and Cody in T-shirts
LJ American Eskimo Show Dog after ACL surgery
PJ the show dog trying on Walking Pant to cover his hot spot!! He loved them so much he didn’t want to take them off to trim the legs!!
Rudy got to ditch the cone due to skin issues!
Penny in large Original Pant
Buster wears his dog pants often due to his licking
Riley loves his dog t-shirts
bichon, Cleaseau
Rainy in large T-shirt and medium Original Pants. The T-shirt is helping keep the Original Pants in place with her slick coat. She has incontinence challenges.
Cody at Scraps for King 5 Evening Magazine Expose
Ditch the cone, some pups need the pants secured
Cody in small T
Ella Super Beagle with incontinence challenges
This “baby” is so cute in the small T
Mozzie in medium fleece pants
Cody and Mozzie staying warm and clean at the beach!
Ringo successful left his hot spot alone with Original Pants
Suspenders for Belly Bands
“Shy Girl” T-shirt for itchy skin!
Baby goat Bou
Walking Pant dog clothing
Mozzie in Walking Pant Medium
Sophia got to ditch the cone!
Charlie in his large Original Pants, he is a marker….but now he gets to roam the house in his pants!
Sactchmo Tenesse a Leonberger show dog in xl T and walking pant
Ruby a retired Staffordshire Bull Terrier in a Large T to help keep her warm!
Stella got to ditch the cone and left her tumors alone
Original Pant in Medium
Rudy in large Walking Pants to help keep his hips warm…he is an old guy.
Mozzie in Original Pant, medium
Baby goat Mali
Hazel with one suspender and original pants for spay
Fancy Dog Event in Seattle
Charlie in his large Original Pants, he is a marker….but now he gets to roam the house in his pants!
Mozzie in Walking Pant
Kahlua & Brandy
Piper the tripod loves her dog pants to cover an old wound that she licks.
Mozzie in medium Walking Pant
Mozzie showing you the Original Pants!
Elwood got to ditch the cone!
Mozzie in medium T-shirt
Finlay in x-small T and Walking Pant
Finnley in XS Fleece
Made for dogs but cool enough for cats!! Bear the rescue has skin challenges. Medium T-shirt
Mozzie in Walking Pant Medium
Cody in medium fleece top with legs trimmed
Mozzie showing custom tail cover for radiation client
Original Pant by Paul Chauncey Photography
Monogramed Fleece Top
Star got to ditch the cone after neuter
Walking Pant by Chauncey Photography
Pet Clothing
Mozzie in Original Pant, medium
Baby goat Bou
Elwood got to ditch the cone!!
Sassy Cat xs
Skylar in her top before the thunderstorm, helps keep her calm.
Original Pant in Medium
Cody in medium fleece top
Jacob at Fancy Dog will be clean now from outdoor grime!!
Ella Super Beagle with incontinence challenges – small Original Pant and T
Joker in a Medium T to help keep him warm!
Another Mozzie dog!! Used for house training.
Kahlua after neuter
Walk for the animals in our dog pants
Rudy got to ditch the cone due to skin issues!
Mozzie in Med Original Pant
Andy is 13 year old rescue who came to his new forever home with a potty/marking challenge. He was wearing belly bands but they caused wounds due to rubbing on his legs. Problem solved with his new Mozzie Original Pants! Mozzie Pants – Dog Pants are soft and comfy so he can heal his wounds and still catch his urine marks for his Mom’s house to stay clean!!! Good boy Andy!
Mozzie in medium fleece top
Mozzie in Walking Pant Medium
Marlin the Lab with a tail cover cut from leg trim – XL
Finnley in XS Fleece
Mozzie in Walking Pant, Medium
Picco in L T-Shirt
Mozzie in medium T
Rudy got to ditch the cone due to skin issues!
Cody in small Walking Pant and T-shirt
Mozzie in med. Walking Pants
Elwood got to ditch the cone!
Finnley in XS Fleece
Toby in XL T and Original Pant
Marlin the Lab with a tail cover cut from leg trim – XL
Little Buddy!!
Tucker in XL Walking Pants after surgery
Finlay in x-small T and Original Pant
Size Chart
Mozzie in Walking Pant Medium
Original Pant in Medium
Monogramed Fleece Pants
Cody in small T and Walking Pants
Abe in small T-Shirt
Mozzie in Medium T and Walking Pant
Abe in small T and Walking Pant with legs trimmed
Francis Fattibutters loves his dog pants
Kaya in suspenders and Original Pants
Can you say Pug in pants ten times fast?
Cody and Mozzie in Fleece Pants
Sactchmo Tenesse a Leonberger show dog in xl T and walking pant
Finnley in XS Fleece
Joker in a Medium T to help keep him warm!
Archie feels safe and calm in his XL T-Shirt
Mozzie in Original Pant, medium
2.5 pound Finlay in T-shirt
Cody Small T and Walking Pant
Sactchmo Tenesse a Leonberger show dog in xl T and walking pant
Jego staying warm in fleece!
bichon, Cleaseau
Cody and Mozzie having fun and keeping clean!
Crosby got to ditch the cone after 6 months. He is healing and loving his dog pants.
Dog Apparel
Sampson doing his super model look in small T
Love the radar ears!!
Max got to ditch the cone with the XL Mozzie Original Pants after surgery.
Keeping clean and having fun!
Coconut in suspenders and original pants after neuter
Mozzie in medium fleece top
Fin staying warm in his fleece dog pants
Mozzie in Original Pant Medium
Mozzie having fun and keeping clean in new print!
Cutie Pie needed a foot cover added
Fattibutters sweet dreams in his dog pants
Santcho in small T – great ears on this gal! She is going to be Where’s Waldo for Halloween!
Mozzie showing you the gray medium Walking Pants
Cody in small fleece pants
Mozzie in medium fleece top
Louie the 14 year old retired show dog in a medium T-shirt – he like comfy coverage to help warm his old bones and joints!!
Beagle in suspenders with belly band
Sampson looking great in small T-shirt
Macy in xs Original Pants
Ella Super Beagle with incontinence challenges – small Original Pant and T
Chili got to ditch the cone!!
LJ American Eskimo Show Dog after ACL surgery
Little Buddy!!
Kaya suspenders and Original Pants
Riley 2 in his fleece dog top
Mozzie in medium fleece pants
Mozzie Pants T-Shirt
“Little Pirate” stopped chewing!
Mochi has Cushions, no more upsetting accidents!
Vera after spay
Buster’s pants stop him from chewing on himself!
Elwood got to ditch the cone!!
Tucker in XL Walking Pants after surgery
Harness tips from a paralyzed pup.
This handsome guy has a hot spot on his hind end….Mozzie Pants Large to the rescue!
New York Pet Fashion Show with Hollywood the Leonberger in the XL T-shirt and Walking Pants.
Riley in XS fleece
Joker in a Medium T to help keep him warm!
Mozzie in Original Pant Medium
Brandy and Kahlua
Jax, Original Pants for marking
Pet Parade in Magnolia
Baby goat Mali
Little Buddy!!
Oscar in his fleece dog pants
Angela in her large T-shirt. She lives in NYC and will keep the street grime off her coat and out of the house!!
Mozzie in Original Pant, medium
Cody small T and Walking Pant
Rainy in large T-shirt and medium Original Pants. The T-shirt is helping keep the Original Pants in place with her slick coat. She has incontinence challenges.
Star got to ditch the cone after neuter
Buster’s pants stop him from chewing on himself!
Dog Pants
Abe (French Bulldog) in smalll Original Pant
Yogi in med fleece top
Louie in Med T-Shirt
Clementine – stopped chewing on herself!!
Archie has hot spots from army crawling everywhere… The Large T-shirt keeps him from constantly licking and chills him out a bit as well:)
Mozzie in Medium T
Nola staying warm and clean in fleece!
Finnley in XS Fleece
Picco in Large T-Shirt
Quinn, Great Dane in Suspenders with Belly Band
Dashhound’s love dog pants
Finnley in XS Fleece
Mochi has Cushions, no more upsetting accidents!
Penny and Abe in fleece tops.
Penny in large T
Finlay – tea cup only 2.5 lbs in XS fleece pants
Mozzie in Original Pant Medium
Picco and Nola being buddies in fleece!!
Andy is 13 year old rescue who came to his new forever home with a potty/marking challenge. He was wearing belly bands but they caused wounds due to rubbing on his legs. Problem solved with his new Mozzie Original Pants! Mozzie Pants – Dog Pants are soft and comfy so he can heal his wounds and still catch his urine marks for his Mom’s house to stay clean!!! Good boy Andy!
Willie was always cold!
Chester XL Walking Pants
Mozzie at Scraps for King 5 Evening Magazine Expose with Jim Dever
NBC King 5 Evening Magazine Interview
Abe in small
Lucy who has Lymphoma
Harness tips from a paralyzed pup.
Bart in Large T and Original Pant with snaps to keep in place. Bart has Spina Bifida.
Some pups need help keeping the dog pants in place. One option is to attach to a harness. You can use elastic, Velcro or fabric. Snaps or baby diaper pins with locks to attach to pants.
Sactchmo Tenesse a Leonberger show dog in xl T and walking pant
Chester XL Walking Pants
Picco in L fleece
Blind Cocker with hot spots.
Cody in small T and Walking Pant
Mozzie in medium T
Cody in Small Fleece Pants
Mozzie with trimmed legs medium T
Abe in small T and Penny in Large T
Penny in Large T-Shirt
Harley ready for the party in her small T-shirt
Charlie in his large Original Pants, he is a marker….but now he gets to roam the house in his pants!
Cody and Mozzie in Fleece Pants
Murphy with pants fastened to halter, got to ditch the cone after hock surgery.
Vera after spay
Vera after spay
Ameila the kitty got to ditch the cone.
Cody in Fleece Top and Pants
Cody having fun in new Houndstooth print and keeping clean!
Baby goat Mali and Grandma
Original Pant by Paul Chauncey Photography
Cody and Mozzie in Fleece Pants
Zizi in Large T – she wanted to go hippie so her Mom tie dyed a white T. Adorable!!
Mozzie in medium T-shirt
Friskie in Med Original Pants – she has incontinence challenges
Chester in XL Fleece Top
These two cuties are staying clean in their Mozzie Pants Ts and Walking Pants!!
Dog Diaper
Frisky is afraid of thunder and fire works, she wears her med. T-Shirt to stay calm. No Velcro and the fabric breaths.
Rawley, helps with his anxiety
Coconut in suspenders and Original Pants after neuter
Mopsie in xs Original Pants, she has incontinence challenges.
Kahlua & Brandy
Pants for dogs
Sampson looking dapper in his small t-shirt
Marlin the Lab with a tail cover cut from leg trim – XL
Baby goat Bou
Toby XL Original Pant
This boy is going to wear his new XL shirt at the vet he works at!! Going for the preppy look on the ride home!
bichon, Cleaseau
Mozzie in medium T and Walking Pant
Walking Pant by Chauncey Photography
Picco in large T and Original Pants – he got to ditch the cone after neuter surgery.
Ella Super Beagle with incontinence challenges – small Original Pant and T
Chanel’s T helped her skin heal!!
Cody and Mozzie keeping clean during a walk
bichon, Cleaseau
Brandy in small Original Pants – she got to ditch the cone after getting spayed.
Tucker in XL Walking Pants after Surgery
Jego staying warm in fleece!
One of our Pug show dog friends in a small T
Jego staying warm in fleece!
Mozzie in medium T-shirt
Elwood got to ditch the cone!
Mozzie in medium fleece top
Cody in small T
Angela in her large T-shirt. She lives in NYC and will keep the street grime off her coat and out of the house!!
Finlay in x-small T
Mozzie Pants Suspenders
Charlie in his large Original Pants, he is a marker….but now he gets to roam the house in his pants!
Keep the outdoor grim outdoors!
Gordon up for adoption with Ginger’s Pet Rescue
“Little Pirate” stopped chewing!
Send us images of your pups in Mozzie Pants and join Club Mozzie Pants!